Bigger, Better & Fresher
We’ve changed a lot since we first launched in 2010. We’ve grown as a company and developed relationships with many loyal clients within Gloucestershire.
With this in mind, we thought it was about time our brand reflected our ambitions. We’re pleased to announce our new brand appearance that is fresh, modern and professional. We are also re-launching our website, which, apart from having a clean and colourful new look, is now more focused on explaining how our services can help you as a business to achieve your goals.
As we continue to expand our areas of focus and grow the business, we want our brand to best reflect why we exist, what we believe in, and where we’re heading.
Connecting With Existing Clients
We’ll be sending a monthly email newsletter that will provide you with the latest updates on the projects we’re working on, including server/software changes, guides, tips and tricks on staying ahead of the game. If you don’t want it you’ll be able to unsubscribe easily.
There is more to come over the next few months including exciting news for Hosting & Content Update clients and I’ll be in touch again soon, so keep an eye on your inbox.